Weekly planner

Are you ready for Round 1? The 1st paid THSC Capitol Field Trip of the session is happening in just two days, and the Watchmen cannot control their excitement! The event will be occurring on Thursday, March 2nd, and will hopefully be a memorable experience for you, your family, and your group!

This event will be aimed at giving the experience of what it’s like to lobby on behalf of homeschoolers in Texas. We will be taking part in multiple activities, including capitol tours, examples of how the legislative system works, and information on the bills important to THSC this session!

Unfortunately, registration closes for the March 2nd event tonight, February 27th at midnight. However, registration will be open through March 31st for the April 5th event.

If you cannot attend either event, please take advantage of the free materials, which will allow you to be fully prepared to visit the Texas Capitol whenever is most convenient for you!

Balloons and sky

We can’t wait to see everyone on Thursday and hope you have an amazing experience engaging with us to aid in Keeping Texas Families Free!

If you have any questions regarding the Thursday, March 2nd event, the April 5th event, or the free experience, please reach out to us at Policy@THSC.org.

Registration for the independent Field Trip program and the April 5th event is open until March 31st.


Wyatt Henry – Raised in southeast Houston, Wyatt Henry is a K-12 homeschool graduate. He is attending Houston Baptist University studying international business.

Wyatt is working in the family law arena of the THSC Watchmen, as he prepares for law school and makes a lasting impact on the next generation of Texas homeschoolers

Weekly planner

Are you ready for Round 1? The 1st paid THSC Capitol Field Trip of the session is happening in just two days, and the Watchmen cannot control their excitement! The event will be occurring on Thursday, March 2nd, and will hopefully be a memorable experience for you, your family, and your group!

This event will be aimed at giving the experience of what it’s like to lobby on behalf of homeschoolers in Texas. We will be taking part in multiple activities, including capitol tours, examples of how the legislative system works, and information on the bills important to THSC this session!

Unfortunately, registration closes for the March 2nd event tonight, February 27th at midnight. However, registration will be open through March 31st for the April 5th event.

If you cannot attend either event, please take advantage of the free materials, which will allow you to be fully prepared to visit the Texas Capitol whenever is most convenient for you!

Balloons and sky

We can’t wait to see everyone on Thursday and hope you have an amazing experience engaging with us to aid in Keeping Texas Families Free!

If you have any questions regarding the Thursday, March 2nd event, the April 5th event, or the free experience, please reach out to us at Policy@THSC.org.

Registration for the independent Field Trip program and the April 5th event is open until March 31st.


Wyatt Henry – Raised in southeast Houston, Wyatt Henry is a K-12 homeschool graduate. He is attending Houston Baptist University studying international business.

Wyatt is working in the family law arena of the THSC Watchmen, as he prepares for law school and makes a lasting impact on the next generation of Texas homeschoolers