THSC was established during the Texas homeschooling battle of the 1980s when our organization banded together to stop the prosecution of families who taught their children at home.

One such critic of homeschooling freedom was then-Democrat Attorney General of Texas, Jim Maddox, who I often credit as the reason that I became active in the political and public policy arena. At that time, he said that he did not believe parents were qualified to raise their children, much less teach them at home. Thus began a decades-long battle to empower and defend Texas families.

Through the Texas Supreme Court’s decision in the Leeper case, the law was clear that homeschooling was legal. Additionally, with the Texas Education Agency’s policy clarifying that families do not have to get permission from school officials to teach their children at home, the freedom to homeschool was clearly established.

On behalf of Texas families, we spent the next 30 years holding school districts accountable to follow the law and the TEA policy with regard to homeschooling.

Expansion Was Necessary to Continue Protecting Homeschooling Freedom

In 2010, THSC expanded our mission to defend freedom for families. This was important to us because the right of families to make decisions for their children is the foundation of our right to teach our children. This was highlighted by what we saw playing out across Texas: attacks against families in the Family Courts through Child Protective Services (CPS) and other legal actions.

Our expanded mission often leads to questions from legislators and other elected officials about how THSC advocating for the rights of Texas families relates to homeschooling. Summarily, if the right of families to make decisions regarding the care, control, and upbringing of their children is attacked or ignored, it undermines the right of families to homeschool.

Freedom is worth fighting for, and a review of our successes in the 2017 Texas legislative session shows that we worked on issues that impacted all Texas families.

In fact, as the premier state organization focused on freedom for families in Texas, Governor Abbott’s office noted that they very much appreciated our work because it was critically important to families. Additionally, the governor’s office likely would have been unaware of many of the issues that we fought for had we not brought them to their attention.

The Battle for Homeschool Freedom Will Continue Next Year

How much respect has our organization earned defending freedom? Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick recently reached out to us to help in the primary elections next year. This is important because — as I’ve recently shared — there is an unprecedented push by the anti-homeschooling unions and advocacy groups to undermine conservatives in the Republican Primary.

Lt. Governor Patrick’s comment that the homeschool community in Texas is better organized and led than other private education groups makes us a key element in defending individuals who support families in the Texas Legislature.

Our movement is not powered by one individual, though. All of our work for Texas families — litigation, campaigns, interventions and information — requires resources and manpower. We need your help. A donor has committed to match gifts to THSC till the end of the year so your gift is doubled!

Would you consider giving a donation of $25, $50, $100 or more?  With our current matching gift, your donation and its impact on helping Texas families will be doubled!

A good portion of support for our work protecting homeschooling freedom comes through year-end contributions. Will you consider helping us continue the critical work of Keeping Texas Families Free? Thank you for giving your most generous gift for this important cause! God bless you!

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THSC was established during the Texas homeschooling battle of the 1980s when our organization banded together to stop the prosecution of families who taught their children at home.

One such critic of homeschooling freedom was then-Democrat Attorney General of Texas, Jim Maddox, who I often credit as the reason that I became active in the political and public policy arena. At that time, he said that he did not believe parents were qualified to raise their children, much less teach them at home. Thus began a decades-long battle to empower and defend Texas families.

Through the Texas Supreme Court’s decision in the Leeper case, the law was clear that homeschooling was legal. Additionally, with the Texas Education Agency’s policy clarifying that families do not have to get permission from school officials to teach their children at home, the freedom to homeschool was clearly established.

On behalf of Texas families, we spent the next 30 years holding school districts accountable to follow the law and the TEA policy with regard to homeschooling.

Expansion Was Necessary to Continue Protecting Homeschooling Freedom

In 2010, THSC expanded our mission to defend freedom for families. This was important to us because the right of families to make decisions for their children is the foundation of our right to teach our children. This was highlighted by what we saw playing out across Texas: attacks against families in the Family Courts through Child Protective Services (CPS) and other legal actions.

Our expanded mission often leads to questions from legislators and other elected officials about how THSC advocating for the rights of Texas families relates to homeschooling. Summarily, if the right of families to make decisions regarding the care, control, and upbringing of their children is attacked or ignored, it undermines the right of families to homeschool.

Freedom is worth fighting for, and a review of our successes in the 2017 Texas legislative session shows that we worked on issues that impacted all Texas families.

In fact, as the premier state organization focused on freedom for families in Texas, Governor Abbott’s office noted that they very much appreciated our work because it was critically important to families. Additionally, the governor’s office likely would have been unaware of many of the issues that we fought for had we not brought them to their attention.

The Battle for Homeschool Freedom Will Continue Next Year

How much respect has our organization earned defending freedom? Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick recently reached out to us to help in the primary elections next year. This is important because — as I’ve recently shared — there is an unprecedented push by the anti-homeschooling unions and advocacy groups to undermine conservatives in the Republican Primary.

Lt. Governor Patrick’s comment that the homeschool community in Texas is better organized and led than other private education groups makes us a key element in defending individuals who support families in the Texas Legislature.

Our movement is not powered by one individual, though. All of our work for Texas families — litigation, campaigns, interventions and information — requires resources and manpower. We need your help. A donor has committed to match gifts to THSC till the end of the year so your gift is doubled!

Would you consider giving a donation of $25, $50, $100 or more?  With our current matching gift, your donation and its impact on helping Texas families will be doubled!

A good portion of support for our work protecting homeschooling freedom comes through year-end contributions. Will you consider helping us continue the critical work of Keeping Texas Families Free? Thank you for giving your most generous gift for this important cause! God bless you!

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