We are headed into the home stretch! The final paid THSC Capitol Field Trip on April 5th is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to see you there!

This field trip is aimed at satisfying the whole family, from skits for the children to practical lessons for the teens to the meat of the political process for all!

The field trips will cover a range of THSC issues, so join us for discussions on how to lobby, get all your questions answered, go on a tour of the Capitol, and learn the ins and outs of lobbying your state legislator!

Text Final stretch from bullhorn on laptop
Vintage alarm clock

Can’t be here on April 5th? That’s fine! We expected that some people who wanted to, might not be able to attend either event. For that reason, we put together the free online package!

The comprehensive online content will provide you with all of the basic documents and information you need before taking the next step and conquering the capitol by lobbying for homeschooling rights knowledgeably and passionately!

The April 5th event is just around the corner! Registration will close next Friday (March 31st) at midnight, so make sure to register as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ page for answers!

More questions? Feel free to reach out to us at Policy@THSC.org.

We hope to see you at the event to show you all that THSC does to work towards Keeping Texas Families Free!


Wyatt Henry – Raised in southeast Houston, Wyatt Henry is a K-12 homeschool graduate. He is attending Houston Baptist University studying international business.

Wyatt is working in the family law arena of the THSC Watchmen, as he prepares for law school and makes a lasting impact on the next generation of Texas homeschoolers

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We are headed into the home stretch! The final paid THSC Capitol Field Trip on April 5th is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to see you there!

This field trip is aimed at satisfying the whole family, from skits for the children to practical lessons for the teens to the meat of the political process for all!

The field trips will cover a range of THSC issues, so join us for discussions on how to lobby, get all your questions answered, go on a tour of the Capitol, and learn the ins and outs of lobbying your state legislator!

Text Final stretch from bullhorn on laptop
Vintage alarm clock

Can’t be here on April 5th? That’s fine! We expected that some people who wanted to, might not be able to attend either event. For that reason, we put together the free online package!

The comprehensive online content will provide you with all of the basic documents and information you need before taking the next step and conquering the capitol by lobbying for homeschooling rights knowledgeably and passionately!

The April 5th event is just around the corner! Registration will close next Friday (March 31st) at midnight, so make sure to register as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions, check out our FAQ page for answers!

More questions? Feel free to reach out to us at Policy@THSC.org.

We hope to see you at the event to show you all that THSC does to work towards Keeping Texas Families Free!


Wyatt Henry – Raised in southeast Houston, Wyatt Henry is a K-12 homeschool graduate. He is attending Houston Baptist University studying international business.

Wyatt is working in the family law arena of the THSC Watchmen, as he prepares for law school and makes a lasting impact on the next generation of Texas homeschoolers

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