Every state legislative session, Texas Home School Coalition (THSC) recruits a team of homeschool graduates, known as the THSC Watchmen, who serve as state legislative analysts and lobbyists for Texas homeschool families.

By researching, writing, and amending state legislation, the THSC Watchmen promote family freedom and homeschooling.

They garner support from state legislators and their staff, raise public awareness about homeschooling, and increase homeschool students’ participation in the political process.

With the next state legislative session convening in January 2021, THSC will be sending the 2021 THSC Watchmen to work in Austin full-time during the legislative session, tirelessly protecting the liberty of homeschool families.

The 2021 THSC Watchmen Team

Ansley Brent

Ansley Brent is a homeschool graduate born and raised in central Texas who enjoys learning about economics, Christian philosophy and political theory. 

Ansley is passionate about protecting the rights of homeschooling families to raise and educate their children.

Jayla Ward is a homeschool graduate from north Texas who was homeschooled throughout her entire academic career. 

Participating in programs like TeenPact and NCFCA speech and debate and interning with First Liberty Institute fueled her interest in public policy and protecting the rights of homeschooling families.

Jayla Ward
Quincy Tredway

Quincy Tredway was born and raised in Texas and currently resides in Fort Worth.

Being homeschooled the majority of his life, he experienced an enormous benefit from his homeschool education and is passionate about protecting the right to homeschool for Texas families.

As the THSC Watchmen prepare for the upcoming state legislative session, you can sign up for email legislative alerts to stay up-to-date on important legislative issues and to join us in Keeping Texas Families Free!


You can also text “TXHOMESCHOOL” now to 919191 to receive legislative alerts.

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Every state legislative session, Texas Home School Coalition (THSC) recruits a team of homeschool graduates, known as the THSC Watchmen, who serve as state legislative analysts and lobbyists for Texas homeschool families.

By researching, writing, and amending state legislation, the THSC Watchmen promote family freedom and homeschooling.

They garner support from state legislators and their staff, raise public awareness about homeschooling, and increase homeschool students’ participation in the political process.

With the next state legislative session convening in January 2021, THSC will be sending the 2021 THSC Watchmen to work in Austin full-time during the legislative session, tirelessly protecting the liberty of homeschool families.

The 2021 THSC Watchmen Team

Ansley Brent

Ansley Brent is a homeschool graduate born and raised in central Texas who enjoys learning about economics, Christian philosophy and political theory. 

Ansley is passionate about protecting the rights of homeschooling families to raise and educate their children.

Jayla Ward is a homeschool graduate from north Texas who was homeschooled throughout her entire academic career. 

Participating in programs like TeenPact and NCFCA speech and debate and interning with First Liberty Institute fueled her interest in public policy and protecting the rights of homeschooling families.

Jayla Ward
Quincy Tredway

Quincy Tredway was born and raised in Texas and currently resides in Fort Worth.

Being homeschooled the majority of his life, he experienced an enormous benefit from his homeschool education and is passionate about protecting the right to homeschool for Texas families.

As the THSC Watchmen prepare for the upcoming state legislative session, you can sign up for email legislative alerts to stay up-to-date on important legislative issues and to join us in Keeping Texas Families Free!


You can also text “TXHOMESCHOOL” now to 919191 to receive legislative alerts.

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