By Marie Prince

Therapy visits, doctor appointments, and hospital stays are an everyday part of a medically fragile child’s life. Add in school and juggling this hectic schedule becomes even more challenging.

While access to public school services may sound like a great option, the required extra meetings and possibility of truancy trouble adds unneeded stress to the family environment. Thus, many parents of medically fragile children find that home schooling is a better choice for their child.

The following are some of the benefits of homeschooling a medically fragile child based on our own family experiences.


If your child needs to rest, he or she can do school work around the sleeping schedule. Adequate rest helps your child be alert and focused when it is time to concentrate on school work. You can choose the time of day that is best for your child. Some children thrive on working in the morning while others might prefer afternoons or evenings.


Therapy schedules can incorporate into your child’s education. Invite your therapists to help create your child’s IEP so you are all working with your child toward the same goals.


During an illness, whether at home or in the hospital, your child is able to continue school as he or she is able. Your child is less likely to fall behind, but also he or she can take necessary breaks when needed. Additionally, by letting your child rest and focus on wellness, an important learning opportunity is taught about flexibility and adaptability.


In Texas, the only required subjects to teach when home schooling are: reading, spelling, grammar, math and good citizenship. All of these subjects can be taught at your child’s level of understanding. The material is presented, taught and adapted as you, the parent, know your child will best understand and learn the material.

You can choose curriculum that best meets your child’s needs academically, physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.


Protecting your child’s immune system is very important for many medically fragile children. For this reason, these children have a difficult time being around a large group of children. Home schooling reduces a child’s exposure by delivering learning in a small group or in one-on-one instruction instead.


You are the best teacher your child could ever have. God has equipped you by supplying all your needs according to His riches and glory (Philippians 4:19). You may question your ability as your child’s best teacher, but home schooling is a joyous and challenging journey that you will never regret.

As you take care of your child’s medical needs everyday, many of you have probably thought as I did: I could never take care of these complex medical tasks, but you do it, and you do it well. The same will go for teaching your child.

You will become an expert on teaching your child like you have become an expert on his or her medical condition and THSC can help.

There are many benefits of being a THSC member that can help you as home school your child. For example, we can help with creating an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and unlimited consultations to help you choose the right curriculum for your child.

Sign-up for email notifications for more helpful home school emails for your family.


Marie and her husband have three children and have been home schooling their children for 4 years. She is a former public school general and special education teacher. One of her twins has complex medical needs giving her practical experience as she co-leads the THSC Special Needs Support Group page on Facebook.

By Marie Prince

Therapy visits, doctor appointments, and hospital stays are an everyday part of a medically fragile child’s life. Add in school and juggling this hectic schedule becomes even more challenging.

While access to public school services may sound like a great option, the required extra meetings and possibility of truancy trouble adds unneeded stress to the family environment. Thus, many parents of medically fragile children find that home schooling is a better choice for their child.

The following are some of the benefits of homeschooling a medically fragile child based on our own family experiences.


If your child needs to rest, he or she can do school work around the sleeping schedule. Adequate rest helps your child be alert and focused when it is time to concentrate on school work. You can choose the time of day that is best for your child. Some children thrive on working in the morning while others might prefer afternoons or evenings.


Therapy schedules can incorporate into your child’s education. Invite your therapists to help create your child’s IEP so you are all working with your child toward the same goals.


During an illness, whether at home or in the hospital, your child is able to continue school as he or she is able. Your child is less likely to fall behind, but also he or she can take necessary breaks when needed. Additionally, by letting your child rest and focus on wellness, an important learning opportunity is taught about flexibility and adaptability.


In Texas, the only required subjects to teach when home schooling are: reading, spelling, grammar, math and good citizenship. All of these subjects can be taught at your child’s level of understanding. The material is presented, taught and adapted as you, the parent, know your child will best understand and learn the material.

You can choose curriculum that best meets your child’s needs academically, physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.


Protecting your child’s immune system is very important for many medically fragile children. For this reason, these children have a difficult time being around a large group of children. Home schooling reduces a child’s exposure by delivering learning in a small group or in one-on-one instruction instead.


You are the best teacher your child could ever have. God has equipped you by supplying all your needs according to His riches and glory (Philippians 4:19). You may question your ability as your child’s best teacher, but home schooling is a joyous and challenging journey that you will never regret.

As you take care of your child’s medical needs everyday, many of you have probably thought as I did: I could never take care of these complex medical tasks, but you do it, and you do it well. The same will go for teaching your child.

You will become an expert on teaching your child like you have become an expert on his or her medical condition and THSC can help.

There are many benefits of being a THSC member that can help you as home school your child. For example, we can help with creating an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and unlimited consultations to help you choose the right curriculum for your child.

Sign-up for email notifications for more helpful home school emails for your family.


Marie and her husband have three children and have been home schooling their children for 4 years. She is a former public school general and special education teacher. One of her twins has complex medical needs giving her practical experience as she co-leads the THSC Special Needs Support Group page on Facebook.