Homeschool group leaders have the tremendous job of multitasking! Leaders tackle an array of tasks every week ranging from housework, errands, finances, meal preparation, church ministries, extracurricular programs, part-time jobs and running homeschool groups. Additionally, we are wives and moms, and we are teaching our children! I am continually amazed when I talk to leaders who balance all of these things, and yet still take the time to mentor a new homeschool mom or have a cup of coffee with a dear friend. What are these leaders’ secrets?

Time management strategies are critical. I’ve read the long, detailed lists of what works and I’ve also bought some great books on organizing and time management. It didn’t take long for me to realize that if I need to get things done, I must delegate some of my responsibilities!

With the new year upon us, I thought I’d share with you the simple, straight-forward list of what really works for me. I won’t add a long explanation with each step because, let’s face it, you are leading and you already know so much of this. You just need a reminder, sometimes! To get things done, be a LEADER!

Limit your yeses.
Early starters get things done.
Actively tackle your list. Don’t procrastinate.
Declutter. Organization saves time.
Employ help from family, friends and other leaders. Don’t work alone.
Replenish your heart. Read your Bible or play a game with your kids. Work and fun need balanced.

I know many of you have some wonderful time management strategies and I encourage you to share some of your successful strategies with me by posting a comment below.

THSC supports group leaders and wants to help you keep things in balance. Apply to connect with THSC today and enjoy valuable leader benefits that can help you lead your homeschool group!

Submit Your Group Application

Happy new year!

Ashley Lawson, THSC Customer Relations Manager

Ashley is a follower of Jesus, wife to Mike, mom to six, and she is “Lolli” to her grandkids. She homeschooled from 2007 to 2022. She served as a treasurer and later president for her local homeschool group and has served on the Venus ISD school board. Passionate about homeschooling, she has loved working at THSC since 2015 and currently serves as the Customer Relations Manager.

Ashley Lawson
If you found this interesting or helpful, please share it!

Homeschool group leaders have the tremendous job of multitasking! Leaders tackle an array of tasks every week ranging from housework, errands, finances, meal preparation, church ministries, extracurricular programs, part-time jobs and running homeschool groups. Additionally, we are wives and moms, and we are teaching our children! I am continually amazed when I talk to leaders who balance all of these things, and yet still take the time to mentor a new homeschool mom or have a cup of coffee with a dear friend. What are these leaders’ secrets?

Time management strategies are critical. I’ve read the long, detailed lists of what works and I’ve also bought some great books on organizing and time management. It didn’t take long for me to realize that if I need to get things done, I must delegate some of my responsibilities!

With the new year upon us, I thought I’d share with you the simple, straight-forward list of what really works for me. I won’t add a long explanation with each step because, let’s face it, you are leading and you already know so much of this. You just need a reminder, sometimes! To get things done, be a LEADER!

Limit your yeses.
Early starters get things done.
Actively tackle your list. Don’t procrastinate.
Declutter. Organization saves time.
Employ help from family, friends and other leaders. Don’t work alone.
Replenish your heart. Read your Bible or play a game with your kids. Work and fun need balanced.

I know many of you have some wonderful time management strategies and I encourage you to share some of your successful strategies with me by posting a comment below.

THSC supports group leaders and wants to help you keep things in balance. Apply to connect with THSC today and enjoy valuable leader benefits that can help you lead your homeschool group!

Submit Your Group Application

Happy new year!

Ashley Lawson, THSC Customer Relations Manager

Ashley is a follower of Jesus, wife to Mike, mom to six, and she is “Lolli” to her grandkids. She homeschooled from 2007 to 2022. She served as a treasurer and later president for her local homeschool group and has served on the Venus ISD school board. Passionate about homeschooling, she has loved working at THSC since 2015 and currently serves as the Customer Relations Manager.

Ashley Lawson
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