Planning ahead for next year’s homeschool curriculum is smart and worth considering. But, it can be challenging when some of us are just looking for light at the end of the tunnel of the current school year.

For many families, April is when they look toward summer vacation, swimming pools and sunshine. For others, a time of reflection and planning is in order. They take a careful look at what worked in the school year, what remains to be completed and what exciting adventures will come next year.

While recently sitting on my front porch listening to mothers as they dropped off their children at science co-op, I overheard the following conversations:

  • “So, what are you planning to teach next year?”
  • “Are your kids going to play basketball?”
  • “Have you ever thought about using a different math curriculum?”
  • “On what day will science be held?”

Yes, these homeschool moms are already thinking about the 2017-18 school year.

If you’d like to get a jump on next year’s homeschool lesson plans, consider these four ways to prepare for success.

Evaluate What Homeschool Curriculum Worked Well

Take time to assess how well your children embraced the current curriculum. By determining the ease of implementation, you will have a better idea of whether to continue using the same companies next year.

If you are adventurous and create your own curriculum, take time to constructively evaluate the strengths and weaknesses, then make plans to improve next year.

Look Ahead to Area Homeschool Classes and Activities

Spring and summer are great for cooperative planning. Many local support groups offer a vendor fair or back-to-school event where you can find businesses and organizations offering classes specifically for homeschool students.

Often, team and individual sports opportunities are also available. Knowing when you will be away from home for outside classes and activities will better allow you to plan the lessons you provide at home.

Finish The School Year Strong!

While planning for next year, it’s easy to lose this year’s momentum and leave things undone. Evaluate your progress, find a starting point for the upcoming year, and stay focused on finishing strong on current lessons.

There’s nothing like crossing the finish line. Whether it’s a foot race, personal fitness goal, learning a new skill, or the homeschool year, completing the task at hand is gratifying.

Find Great Homeschool Books

One way to select the best homeschool curriculum for the upcoming year is to attend the THSC Convention, in Arlington on May 11-13 and in The Woodlands on July 20-22.

Home education experts attend both Conventions offering the latest homeschool resources. Plus, there are how-to seminars, workshops and a vast exhibit hall full of new curriculum to choose from. This is an important way to get a jump on planning next year’s homeschool session.

Overall, the THSC Convention is your opportunity to be encouraged, talk to homeschooling experts, find the right design for your student’s education and have fun! Register for one or both of the THSC Conventions today.

Making plans for the future is important, and we want to walk beside you every step of the way. THSC is Keeping Texas Families Free so you can continue to plan your child’s education each year. Are you a part of the Coalition? If not, join today!

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Planning ahead for next year’s homeschool curriculum is smart and worth considering. But, it can be challenging when some of us are just looking for light at the end of the tunnel of the current school year.

For many families, April is when they look toward summer vacation, swimming pools and sunshine. For others, a time of reflection and planning is in order. They take a careful look at what worked in the school year, what remains to be completed and what exciting adventures will come next year.

While recently sitting on my front porch listening to mothers as they dropped off their children at science co-op, I overheard the following conversations:

  • “So, what are you planning to teach next year?”
  • “Are your kids going to play basketball?”
  • “Have you ever thought about using a different math curriculum?”
  • “On what day will science be held?”

Yes, these homeschool moms are already thinking about the 2017-18 school year.

If you’d like to get a jump on next year’s homeschool lesson plans, consider these four ways to prepare for success.

Evaluate What Homeschool Curriculum Worked Well

Take time to assess how well your children embraced the current curriculum. By determining the ease of implementation, you will have a better idea of whether to continue using the same companies next year.

If you are adventurous and create your own curriculum, take time to constructively evaluate the strengths and weaknesses, then make plans to improve next year.

Look Ahead to Area Homeschool Classes and Activities

Spring and summer are great for cooperative planning. Many local support groups offer a vendor fair or back-to-school event where you can find businesses and organizations offering classes specifically for homeschool students.

Often, team and individual sports opportunities are also available. Knowing when you will be away from home for outside classes and activities will better allow you to plan the lessons you provide at home.

Finish The School Year Strong!

While planning for next year, it’s easy to lose this year’s momentum and leave things undone. Evaluate your progress, find a starting point for the upcoming year, and stay focused on finishing strong on current lessons.

There’s nothing like crossing the finish line. Whether it’s a foot race, personal fitness goal, learning a new skill, or the homeschool year, completing the task at hand is gratifying.

Find Great Homeschool Books

One way to select the best homeschool curriculum for the upcoming year is to attend the THSC Convention, in Arlington on May 11-13 and in The Woodlands on July 20-22.

Home education experts attend both Conventions offering the latest homeschool resources. Plus, there are how-to seminars, workshops and a vast exhibit hall full of new curriculum to choose from. This is an important way to get a jump on planning next year’s homeschool session.

Overall, the THSC Convention is your opportunity to be encouraged, talk to homeschooling experts, find the right design for your student’s education and have fun! Register for one or both of the THSC Conventions today.

Making plans for the future is important, and we want to walk beside you every step of the way. THSC is Keeping Texas Families Free so you can continue to plan your child’s education each year. Are you a part of the Coalition? If not, join today!

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