Last December, Governor Abbott appointed Mike Morath to be the new head of the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Morath is known for his service on the Dallas ISD board and his efforts to reform that district. D Magazine wrote an article on Morath’s very interesting background.

Beginning in 1995, Texas Home School Coalition has approached each Texas Commissioner of Education to introduce our organization, provide information and background on home schooling in Texas, and to ask for the adoption of the same policy regarding home schooling we helped establish in 1995.

On March 8, THSC  met with Commissioner Morath to introduce our organization and discuss home schooling in Texas. It was a productive meeting in which we asked him to issue a new letter from the TEA to all school districts to reaffirm the policy defining how school districts should work with home schoolers. He agreed to do so, and we expect an updated letter based on the last one issued by former Commissioner Michael Williams in 2013.

Over the last three decades, THSC has worked proactively to develop relationships with state agency leaders like Commissioner Morath and to develop and refine policies that protect home schooling and Keep Texas Families Free. Governor Abbott’s new appointment to lead the TEA appears to be prepared to continue the tradition of freedom for Texas families.

Do you appreciate the efforts of THSC to stand guard with vigilance, protecting your family’s freedom? If so, please consider giving financial support today. What can you give?

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Last December, Governor Abbott appointed Mike Morath to be the new head of the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Morath is known for his service on the Dallas ISD board and his efforts to reform that district. D Magazine wrote an article on Morath’s very interesting background.

Beginning in 1995, Texas Home School Coalition has approached each Texas Commissioner of Education to introduce our organization, provide information and background on home schooling in Texas, and to ask for the adoption of the same policy regarding home schooling we helped establish in 1995.

On March 8, THSC  met with Commissioner Morath to introduce our organization and discuss home schooling in Texas. It was a productive meeting in which we asked him to issue a new letter from the TEA to all school districts to reaffirm the policy defining how school districts should work with home schoolers. He agreed to do so, and we expect an updated letter based on the last one issued by former Commissioner Michael Williams in 2013.

Over the last three decades, THSC has worked proactively to develop relationships with state agency leaders like Commissioner Morath and to develop and refine policies that protect home schooling and Keep Texas Families Free. Governor Abbott’s new appointment to lead the TEA appears to be prepared to continue the tradition of freedom for Texas families.

Do you appreciate the efforts of THSC to stand guard with vigilance, protecting your family’s freedom? If so, please consider giving financial support today. What can you give?

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