January 22, 2020

Lessons From Virginia

This country has been focused recently on the Commonwealth of Virginia and the rallies and protests that have taken place since the Democratic party took complete control of the state government in the elections last year.

I am reminded of President Barack Obama’s quote to Republicans as he pushed his agenda that the parties strongly disagreed on, “Elections have consequences.”

Virginia has been roiled since the Democratic governor of Virginia announced that he will pursue a very aggressive gun-control legislative agenda, and even discussed confiscating legally-owned guns from citizens of the state.

The result has been an unprecedented rally at the Capitol of over 20,000 protesters with their legally-owned guns opposing what they see as an attack on their Second Amendment right to own weapons.

Some of these protesters are Democrats and minorities who are a constituency that generally support the Democratic party’s agenda. Many of the Democratic candidates, however, did not campaign on this gun control agenda, which many consider radical. In fact, some would say it was a stealth agenda only announced once they had been elected to office.

It should come as no surprise that these same officials have a radical agenda to attack the fundamental constitutional right of parents to raise their children as well. Bills to outlaw “spanking with an inanimate object,” expand the definition of child abuse to include parents who “inflict physical or mental injury on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation” and legislation that would allow minor children to make medical decisions against the parent’s wishes.

Many voters in Virginia were not aware that candidates held these radical positions. Others were simply not interested in the political process and did not bother to vote. Now these radicals are elected officials and the freedom of Virginia’s citizens hangs in the balance.

President Obama was right. Elections have consequences. And don’t think this can’t happen in Texas.

Please make sure you and your like-minded friends and family are registered to vote for the upcoming primary elections on March 3rd. Last day to register to be able to vote in this election is February 3rd. Early voting is February 18th-28th.

Sign up to receive updates on THSC’s endorsements for the upcoming Primary election. Our freedom depends on it. Just look at Virginia.

Read the rest of The Family Freedom Caller, including Tim’s Weekly Tweets
January 8, 2020

Rhetorical Assault on Families

A new year has begun and with it, a renewed assault on the family. You may be aware of the Dallas mother who is desperately trying to save her baby’s life. Doctors have determined that it is “in the best interest of the child” to cease life support and allow her to die. A judge has ruled the hospital may remove the life-sustaining treatment.

Texas Right to Life is spearheading a high-profile legal battle to save Tinslee’s life. THSC filed a brief in the case arguing that Tinslee’s parents have a God-given, constitutional right to raise Tinslee and make her medical decisions. Currently, the law allows the hospital to end Tinslee’s life-sustaining treatment even over the objections of her family.

On the homeschool front, a National Public Radio (NPR) broadcast on Jan. 2 included a discussion entitled “How Should We Regulate Homeschooling?”. Notice the question was not “if” we should regulate homeschools but “how” we should do so. The discussion followed a now-familiar pattern of arguing that homeschooling should be controlled by the state because of “safety” concerns.

The group making this argument pushed the same idea a couple of years ago in a long article in Texas newspapers, saying that Texas homeschooling laws were woefully inadequate to protect children.

Our response clarified that homeschoolers are far safer from abuse than are public school students and if we really want to address that issue we should focus on making public school students safer—not restricting the freedom of homeschool families.

It is clear that those who believe that parents have a God-given, fundamental right to raise their children as they see fit must be engaged in the political and policy-making process if we are to protect our children and families.

Please sign up for our updates as we approach the coming elections. If we fail to elect people who agree that families should be free to raise their children, we will see the statist approach of NPR taking our freedom in the legislature.

Stay Informed

Read the rest of The Family Freedom Caller, including Tim’s Weekly Tweets
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January 22, 2020

Lessons From Virginia

This country has been focused recently on the Commonwealth of Virginia and the rallies and protests that have taken place since the Democratic party took complete control of the state government in the elections last year.

I am reminded of President Barack Obama’s quote to Republicans as he pushed his agenda that the parties strongly disagreed on, “Elections have consequences.”

Virginia has been roiled since the Democratic governor of Virginia announced that he will pursue a very aggressive gun-control legislative agenda, and even discussed confiscating legally-owned guns from citizens of the state.

The result has been an unprecedented rally at the Capitol of over 20,000 protesters with their legally-owned guns opposing what they see as an attack on their Second Amendment right to own weapons.

Some of these protesters are Democrats and minorities who are a constituency that generally support the Democratic party’s agenda. Many of the Democratic candidates, however, did not campaign on this gun control agenda, which many consider radical. In fact, some would say it was a stealth agenda only announced once they had been elected to office.

It should come as no surprise that these same officials have a radical agenda to attack the fundamental constitutional right of parents to raise their children as well. Bills to outlaw “spanking with an inanimate object,” expand the definition of child abuse to include parents who “inflict physical or mental injury on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation” and legislation that would allow minor children to make medical decisions against the parent’s wishes.

Many voters in Virginia were not aware that candidates held these radical positions. Others were simply not interested in the political process and did not bother to vote. Now these radicals are elected officials and the freedom of Virginia’s citizens hangs in the balance.

President Obama was right. Elections have consequences. And don’t think this can’t happen in Texas.

Please make sure you and your like-minded friends and family are registered to vote for the upcoming primary elections on March 3rd. Last day to register to be able to vote in this election is February 3rd. Early voting is February 18th-28th.

Sign up to receive updates on THSC’s endorsements for the upcoming Primary election. Our freedom depends on it. Just look at Virginia.

Read the rest of The Family Freedom Caller, including Tim’s Weekly Tweets
January 8, 2020

Rhetorical Assault on Families

A new year has begun and with it, a renewed assault on the family. You may be aware of the Dallas mother who is desperately trying to save her baby’s life. Doctors have determined that it is “in the best interest of the child” to cease life support and allow her to die. A judge has ruled the hospital may remove the life-sustaining treatment.

Texas Right to Life is spearheading a high-profile legal battle to save Tinslee’s life. THSC filed a brief in the case arguing that Tinslee’s parents have a God-given, constitutional right to raise Tinslee and make her medical decisions. Currently, the law allows the hospital to end Tinslee’s life-sustaining treatment even over the objections of her family.

On the homeschool front, a National Public Radio (NPR) broadcast on Jan. 2 included a discussion entitled “How Should We Regulate Homeschooling?”. Notice the question was not “if” we should regulate homeschools but “how” we should do so. The discussion followed a now-familiar pattern of arguing that homeschooling should be controlled by the state because of “safety” concerns.

The group making this argument pushed the same idea a couple of years ago in a long article in Texas newspapers, saying that Texas homeschooling laws were woefully inadequate to protect children.

Our response clarified that homeschoolers are far safer from abuse than are public school students and if we really want to address that issue we should focus on making public school students safer—not restricting the freedom of homeschool families.

It is clear that those who believe that parents have a God-given, fundamental right to raise their children as they see fit must be engaged in the political and policy-making process if we are to protect our children and families.

Please sign up for our updates as we approach the coming elections. If we fail to elect people who agree that families should be free to raise their children, we will see the statist approach of NPR taking our freedom in the legislature.

Stay Informed

Read the rest of The Family Freedom Caller, including Tim’s Weekly Tweets
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