  • Your vote matters!

Bearing Arms at the Ballot Box: How to Fire Your Civil Bullet

By |2023-06-06T16:33:13-05:00April 21st, 2016|Legislative Advocacy|

War is being waged against the foundations of our Western civilization. Elections are one of the theaters, where bloodless battles are fought between competing ideologies, competencies and values. Weapons include truth, diligence, and a civil bullet in the form of a voter registration certificate. Failure of a voter-eligible citizenry to consistently utilize any one of those three ultimately leads to casualties and surrender to tyranny.

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  • 4 Steps to Preparing for a Successful Homeschool

Take the Struggle Out of Your Home School Day

By |2019-08-08T13:40:42-05:00April 18th, 2016|Homeschool|

Do you get that little rainbow spinning wheel when you hit your computer keys too many times or when you have too many windows open at once? I have to say that that is one of the most frustrating things for me about my computer. I do not have time to sit and wait for the tiny little information processors to go through all the motions of my cursor and clicks of my keys. Many times, I’ve typed an entire line and have been unable to see what has been entered. It’s become a joke in our home--the little spinning wheel that begs you to sit patiently. Have you ever been frustrated in that way?

Secretly, I sometimes wish I could apply my own spinning wheel to my weekly schedule. If only I had a little more time in my day, I could actually get everything done.  I think we all have felt the desire for a change at one time or another, a time where we simply couldn’t do a thing, and it wasn’t even our choice, just the way things turned out. We hear the continual click of the keys as our days fly by, and watch the movement of our cursor as we race from one event to another. We fill our schedules with chores, housework, careers, and extracurricular activities like sports and the arts. Our little vehicles just putter aimlessly from one lesson to another. There are times in our lives when we simply have to say, enough is enough. If you are in that place, looking for a break from the hubbub and rush, then stop long enough to read this article by Valerie Felder. She will help you find the balance we all long for that enables us to begin again at a fresh new pace.

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  • Man Lying with Long Nose

How to Engage with Integrity

By |2019-08-15T11:41:03-05:00April 13th, 2016|Legislative Advocacy|

The truth is an ambiguous thing sometimes. Unfortunately, this makes the truth easy to manipulate and difficult to identify when manipulated. It is not enough to simply speak the truth, that truth must be communicated with integrity. What is perhaps most concerning in today’s culture is the lightning-quick method by which false information is spread. This is then followed by often complete and unabashed acceptance by many Christians and conservatives. Information comes as commentary in a tidal wave of hyperbole, fear, and anger.

  • homeschool leader working late

Announcement: New Program for Home School Leaders

By |2019-12-10T13:35:58-06:00April 11th, 2016|Groups, Leaders Connect|

Home school group leaders work hard . . . sometimes late into the night! Often, when I’m working late into the evening, updating a lesson plan or preparing something for my home school group, I wonder about all of the other dedicated Texas home school group leaders who could be, at that very minute, working tirelessly to make their own personal home school great, and still running a much-needed group to serve home school families in their area! Those are the times that I know you might need to access resources--day and night. In the past you had to wait for some information because almost everyone else was still asleep!

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  • THSC’s Vetting Process Helps you Vote with Confidence

Sound Decisions vs. Sound Bites: Taking the Guesswork out of Voting

By |2019-08-15T11:41:11-05:00April 8th, 2016|Legislative Advocacy|

If you are like most conscientious voters, you experienced a tinge of frustration in the recent primary. Your ballot contained a long list of lower-profile races for which you had little information about the candidates. Did you find yourself skipping a race or just settling for the candidate with the most familiar-sounding name? Leaving the decision to your next door neighbor or using the Las Vegas approach are not very responsible methods for electing officials who can dramatically impact your family, freedom and finances.

  • Donation to make your dollar stretch

Double Your Money AND Impact the Election Outcome

By |2019-08-15T11:41:18-05:00April 5th, 2016|Legislative Advocacy|

In our 30-year history of advocating for parental rights and home schooling, THSC has never been more active than we are today. We gained good ground in the March elections, but we can’t let up, because several critical public offices are at stake in the runoff election on May 24.

Besides voting, what more can you do?

A generous donor has offered to match up to $137,500 for any contributions to the THSC PAC by April 16. THSC needs your help to raise these funds, maximize the match opportunity, and win key elections around the state. That means, if you give to the THSC PAC by April 16, your money will double its impact in support of Keeping Texas Families Free. Will you make a generous contribution right now to help us win these important races?
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  • Family at the voting booth

How Texas Home Schoolers Could Decide the Runoff Election

By |2019-08-15T11:41:27-05:00April 5th, 2016|Legislative Advocacy|

It is no secret that home schoolers, particularly in Texas, are more politically involved, informed, and active than the average citizen. However, it is also important to realize that home schoolers are not immune to the culture of apathy that has swallowed most of our country over the last century.

To understand how home schoolers could impact the Texas election cycle, we have to review a few numbers.

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